Featured case

More space for meetings

Carto Bench, the bench of trust

About the case

Actiz is a trade association of about 400 care organisations, totalling around 400,000 employees, providing care to more than two million older people who are chronically ill or need help. The “Talking About Tomorrow” campaign addresses questions such as: “Where will we live when we’re older?”, “What role does technology play?” or “At what age are you old?”

As part of the campaign, tools and props were developed, such as conversation cards to engage in dialogue on the topics, a social media toolkit and a “Let’s talk about tomorrow today” bench. Because: every conversation needs a place to happen. In conjunction with the agency Maan, Cartoseat developed a sustainable cardboard bench designed with the campaign’s corporate identity. The bench provides more space for conversations and was used during the campaign to engage young and old in dialogue. The seating furniture can be taken down and stored in the blink of an eye, and takes up very little space.


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